excel fomular

Sheet3 Sheet1 Year of Requirement Date Quarter of Requirement Date Month of Requirement Date Support Status Comp Procurement Type Material Number PO Vendor Number Replenishment Status Requirement Date Requirement Date (copy) SRC (group) Backlog Flag Base Key Delivery...

stats homework 1

MGT 3410 Homework 1 Spring 2022 Models of Cost, Revenue and Profit 1. Eastman Publishing Company is considering publishing a paperback textbook on spreadsheet applications for business. The fixed cost of manuscript preparation, textbook design, and production setup is...

Budgeting Project Unit 2

Assignment Details Zero-based budgeting is intended to optimize the allocation of resources in an organization. The following video describes this approach: What is Zero-based Budgeting? Zero-based budgeting is a unique technique for budgeting. It may work for some...


Answer the 2 following questions attach to this Please careful on calculation and k-mers K-mers & Markov Chains Q1: For this sequence: ATTACCAGAGACGATTACG (a) List all of the k-mers (size 3) you can derive (b) For each k-mer, list how many times it appears in the...

Markov Chain

1 page, APA-7 format, in-text citation, references include 1. What is Bayes Theorem?  Why is it controversial? 2. What is a Markov Chain?  Give an example

Budgeting Discussion Board 2

 In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words)    Assignment Details Various types of budgets facilitate understanding about the big picture of a business. There are budgets that are set and...